Empresas Díez Escobar (EDE) is a family business made up of the companies Inés Escobar SA (fruit and wine cellar) and Central Frutícola San Luis Ltda. (packing and refrigerator).
The company has an important number of full time employees working in administrative and productive capacities, as well as a large number of temporary workers during high-demand periods, such as pruning, harvest, and packing seasons.
The Diez Escobar family and the company consider their employees to be the most important part of the business, working to ensure the occupational well-being, hygiene and safety of each of the collaborators and their respective families.
Both companies are devoted to:
- Producing and exporting quality fruits: cherries, apples, kiwis, pears and hazelnuts.
- Providing packaging and cold storage services to important Chilean exporters.
- Providing fermentation and aging services to Chilean wineries.
Produce and commercialize quality fruits and provide excellent agroindustrial services, generating sustainable value for our clients, collaborators, shareholders and communities.
Our conduct is based in the values of reliability, respect for people and austerity.
We are a consolidated family business, growing profitably in planted area and incorporating new businesses, valued by its employees and clients, and committed to caring for the environment.